About us
Breakthrough works towards shifting social norms that enable and promote gender based violence and discrimination. In the last 23 years, our work on culture change has evolved towards working with adolescents and youth, in schools and in communities, aiming for a generational shift in reducing norms that perpetuate violence and discrimination.
Education has a significant transformational power. Gender Transformative Education System (GTES) moves beyond just access to education, and rethinks gender norms and binaries, raises critical consciousness about inequalities, biases and stereotypes not only amongst students but also teachers, school administration, parents and other stakeholders. Such a system is also in sync with the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially Goal 4 (particularly Target 4.7) and Goal 5 (Target 5.1) that talks about inclusive and quality education for ensuring gender justice for adolescents and young people in all their diversity. As Breakthrough, we believe that GTES will go a long way in removing barriers and boost progress and aspirations for adolescents and young people.
In keeping with Breakthrough’s vision, we present to you the Engendering Education magazine which is a first-of-its-kind pedagogical intervention that brings together sectoral experts, practitioners and thought leaders.
Through the conversations featured in the magazine, we aim to create a comprehensive compendium of practices, experiences and curriculums that rethink academic learning and prepares gender-just citizens for tomorrow. We hope that this magazine will meet some of the long pending needs for a more holistic dialogue on intersectional education practices and experiences.